2024 – 2025 Bus Routes (Subject to Change)
Bent Creek Baptist Church (1554 Brevard Rd, Asheville, NC 28806)
Chamber of Commerce (36 Montford Ave. Asheville, NC 28801)
Dollar General (1131 Smokey Park Hwy, Candler NC 28715)
Goodwill on Patton Avenue (1616 Patton Ave, Asheville, NC 28806)
Ingles on Hendersonville Rd (780 Hendersonville Road, Asheville, NC 28803)
Ingles on Long Shoals Rd (301 Long Shoals Road, Arden, NC 28704)
Ingles in Mills River (3338 Boylston Hwy, Mills River, NC 28759)
Ingles on Patton Ave and New Leicester Hwy (7 New Leicester Hwy, Asheville, NC 28806)
Ingles on Weaverville Rd (499 Weaverville Rd, Asheville, NC 28804)
Public Bus Stop at Ingles West AVL/Haywood Rd, (669 Haywood Rd, Asheville, NC 28806)
Public Bus stop at River Ridge (River Ridge Drive, River Ridge Shopping Center Asheville, NC 22803)
Old YMCA Fletcher Back parking lot by Pardee / Mission Medical (2775 Hendersonville Road, Arden, NC 28704)
Please note: Bussing is a limited service. We work to the best of our ability to accommodate everyone, but ridership availability is prioritized based on need and hardship. We cannot guarantee a spot on the bus to any student until we have established the bus rider schedule for the year.
In addition, there is a Franklin School of Innovation Carpooling Group on Facebook. Parents are encouraged to join that group and find carpools in your area. If the bus route and carpooling are unavailable in your area, parents are responsible for student transportation.
Click here for the 2024 – 2025 Pickup Zone Map
We are aware that the car line can test everyone’s patience. Sardis Road is a busy and under-built road. Attention to the safety of our students and faculty and a few general rules will help keep traffic flowing and keep our impact on Sardis Road to a minimum.
Please arrive during the designated times. This is critical to keeping our traffic moving, and also to ensuring that our campus is a safe space.
All traffic must turn right at the exit to Sardis Road. It is extremely unsafe to turn left at the exit. After turning right, you can use the turn at the corner if you need to go east.
General Directions for ALL Grades
- All traffic enters the school through the main driveway adjacent to AAA Storage. Traffic is one-way and exits through the driveway adjacent to the WNC Barbell Gym.
- All students will be issued colored cards with student names. These cards are to be prominently displayed where school staff can view them at pick up.
- Speed limit on campus is 10 miles per hour.
- The Drop-Off/Pick-Up zones are Cell-Phone Free zones.
- Pull to the FRONT of the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone. Students will walk along the sidewalk to their car. Do not stop at the beginning or middle of the zone.
- Arrive between 2:50 and 3:10 pm for middle school pick-up, and between 3:30 and 3:45 pm for high school. Early arrivers will be asked to park or to re-enter Sardis Road in order to keep our traffic moving. If you arrive early, pull to the side of the entry road (along the front field). High school students are released at 3:40 pm.
All traffic enters the school through the main driveway adjacent to AAA Storage. Traffic is one-way and exits through the driveway adjacent to the WNC Barbell Gym. Form two lanes at entrance to campus.
7:15 – 7:45 am: Drop off for Before the Bell. Students must be registered and paid in advance. Report to the Community Room.
7:45 – 8:00 am (Middle School): Regular drop off begins at 7:45 am. Students arriving between 7:45 and 8:00 am report to the Community Room.
8:10 – 8:25 am (High School): Students report directly to their first period class.
Late Arrivals/Early Dismissal
Students arriving after 8:25 am or leaving before the end of the day must be signed in and out of the main office in Big Ben. ID must be presented to the FSI staff in order for the student to be released. We cannot dismiss students based on a phone call from a parent/guardian.
For afternoon pick-up, form two lanes of traffic when you enter Innovation Drive. All traffic will continue on the main road behind our building. Continue on the road until traffic is stopped. Do not stop early to board students.
Pick-up: M/T/Th/F
Students will generally line up outside. We will have indoor dismissal for rainy/stormy weather – this WILL take longer and will require extra patience from all of us!
Arrive during the designated time. Drivers who arrive early will be asked to return to Sardis Road and re-enter traffic.
- 5th & 6th Grades: 3:15 pm. Arrive between 2:50 and 3:10
- 7th & 8th Grades: 3:15 pm. Arrive between 3:10 and 3:25
- High School: 3:40 pm. Arrive between 3:30 and 3:45
Pick-up: Wednesdays
- Middle School: 12:45 pm dismissal: arrive between 12:30 and 12:45 pm
- High School: 1:00 dismissal: arrive between 12:45 and 1:00 pm
Carpools, Bus Riders, Beyond the Bell, Student Drivers
- Middle school students who carpool with high school students will remain in a classroom until high school dismissal
- Bus riders will be escorted to the buses. Buses will load on the designated road in front of the building, out of carline traffic.
- Beyond the Bell students will gather in the Community Room.
- Student drivers must submit an application and pay the parking fee. Parking spaces will be assigned to 12th grade students first, then 11th grade students. Students who do not have an approved parking permit may not park on campus. Cars parked without a permit are subject to towing.
Arrive at 3:30 if you drive a carpool with high school students. Middle school students carpooling with high school students will not be dismissed before 3:30. This keeps our car line moving efficiently and safely. Cars that arrive early may be asked to move through our line and back onto Sardis Road.
Carpools, Bus Riders, Beyond the Bell, and Student Drivers
- Middle school students who carpool with high school students will remain in a classroom until high school dismissal
- Arrive at the designated time for the oldest students in your carpool
- Bus riders will be escorted to the buses. Buses will load on our new bus road
- Beyond the Bell students will gather in the Community Room
- Student drivers must submit an application and pay the parking fee. Parking spaces will be assigned to 12th grade students first, then 11th grade students. We are creating new parking spaces where the Carver (former 7th/8th grade) Building was.
All traffic must turn right at the exit to Sardis Road. It is extremely unsafe to turn left at the exit. After turning right, you can use the turn at the corner if you need to go east on Sardis.
Walkers: Please email your principal if your student will be walking home from school.