Modern Orchestra and Choir Winter Concert at The Franklin School of Innovation
The Franklin School of Innovation has rebuilt the music program as of 2021 and is proud to offer different musical opportunities throughout the music department. Students have the opportunity to try vocal music (7th-12th grade) instrumental music (7th-12th grade). Please read about these awesome programs below.
Please reach out to Sandi Wilson swilson@thefsi.us for more information or any questions.
Check out all the things our Arts Department has going on at our school @fsifinearts on Instagram.
Modern Orchestra
The Franklin School of Innovation Modern Orchestra program is in its 4th year under the direction of Sandi Wilson, who joined FSI in 2021. This program was designed by Mrs. Wilson to be an equitable and completely new approach to instrumental ensemble education. This course is not quite “band” not quite “orchestra”, it’s a combined version of both of these ensembles while also adding instrumentation not seen in traditional ensembles.
Our instrumentation allows any brass, woodwind, percussion, and string instruments including guitar, piano, ukulele, and bass guitar. Students get to experience learning a new instrument and playing in a large ensemble so everyone can play beautiful music together with no restraints. Students also learn and develop proper playing techniques, music theory skills, songwriting and part-writing, and sight reading skills to allow them to become the best musicians and performers they can be.
In the 1st year of the modern orchestra program, there were a combined total of about 20 students (Modern Orchestra combined in the middle and high school), but as of the fall of 2024, we now have a combined total of 102 students in our modern orchestra program. We are so excited to see it grow even more as the years go on. Students in middle school have modern orchestra for one semester of the year and high school students have this as a yearlong elective.
This class is a performance-based class, and students have extra performance opportunities outside of our regularly scheduled concerts throughout the year.
We have also created the FSI Music Academy which gives high school students at a more advanced playing level to earn community service hours by teaching our new players private lessons after school. This not only strengthens both our new and more experienced musicians’ skills, but it also helps build a strong family bond in our music department. Please contact Mrs. Wilson swilson@thefsi.us for more information.

Modern Orchestra preparing for the winter concert
As of 2021, Franklin School of Innovation now offers vocal music for middle and high school students. Students have the opportunity to learn a variety of repertoire ranging from Classical to A Cappella, to Pop/Rock and World Music. Students will learn and develop proper singing skills, techniques, learn music theory, and sight singing skills which will allow students to be the strongest musicians and performers that they can be.
In the 1st year of our choir program, we only had a group of eight 8th grade students in our choir class, but as of the fall of 2024, with the new offering to all grades 7-12, we now have a combined total of 100 students in the choir program in middle and high school. We are so excited to see it grow even more as the years go on. Students in middle school have choir for one semester of the year and high school students have this as a yearlong elective.
This class is a performance-based class, and students have extra performance opportunities outside of our regularly scheduled concerts throughout the year.
Click here to learn more about Mrs. Sandi Wilson, Director of Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles.