Jessica Bragdon brings 18 years of teaching experience in the public school system. She started her career in Statesboro Georgia after earning her Bachelor’s in General Science Education from Georgia Southern University. She continued her education and completed a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction at Nova Southeastern. Jessica is always looking for new innovative ways to share her passion for science and encourage her students to think critically about the world around them. While in Georgia, Jessica collaborated with Georgia Southern University by participating in the Molecular Biology Initiative which connected graduate students with classroom teachers in an effort to teach students gel electrophoresis technology and show how it is being used by the local university in various research projects. Jessica has experience teaching Environmental science, AP Environmental science, Biology, AP Biology, Physics, and Physical science. She is currently teaching Biology and Science Olympiad at FSI.
Her love of the mountains brought Jessica to Asheville two years ago. Her family enjoys hiking and biking together on the beautiful trails of Pisgah National Forest or taking a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway in their convertible. When Jessica’s not outside enjoying nature she enjoys reading or playing darts with her husband Robby. Jessica has two wonderful active boys Cooper and Sawyer. Cooper is a student at Franklin.