Attendance Make Up Days for High School: Dec 1 and Dec 8
High school students with 10 or more unexcused tardies, or 5 or more unexcused absences, MUST attend make up days. Our 1st make up sessions for this school year will be held Wednesday, Dec 1 and Dec 8, from 1:00 – 4:00. More information, including registration form and fees, will be sent to students and families who are required to attend. Excused absences, such as absences due to illness or quarantine, do not need to be made up.
Please note that there is cost for attendance make-up. Payments must be made in advance. Fee adjustments may be issued to students eligible for free or reduced lunch upon request.
Please note our Attendance Policy:
- Notification and Excuse Notes: Parents/guardians must provide a note upon the student’s return indicating the reason the student was absent. Please email if your student is absent. Notes must be provided within 48 hours (2 school days) following the student’s return to school, or the absence will be classified and remain as unexcused. Please note that excuse notes will NOT be accepted after this 48 hours deadline for tardies/absences unless it is an official doctor’s note.
- If a student is absent due to illness for more than five consecutive days, or for more than five days in one quarter, a doctor’s note is required.
- “Blanket” notes covering multiple dates of absences, tardies, etc. will not be accepted (for example: “Please excuse my child from all absences in the months of April and May due to
Excused Absences
The State Department of Instruction defines an excused absence as follows:
● Illness or injury
● Quarantine
● Death in the immediate family
● Medical or dental appointments
● Court or administrative proceedings
All other absences are unexcused or unlawful, including vacations will not be excused.