Innovating for Ten, Trailblazing for Tomorrow 2024 Fundraising Gala and Auction Celebration
10th Anniversary Gala & Silent Auction: Saturday, March 2, 6 – 9 pm
Buy Your Tickets Today! Tickets and more details:
Good morning Franklin families,
Whew – last week was a wild weather week! Things are looking up for a more normal week of school. It’s been a bumpy start to our 3rd quarter. Enjoy the sunshine and rising temperatures today!
This week our leadership team will be participating in a mid-year review process with our EL Education school coach. Each year we set goals in three areas of performance: academic achievement, character, and high quality work. This year we are really focusing on student grades, attendance, and behavior as a way to ensure that students are on track to graduate and be prepared for their future pathways. Over the next few weeks I’ll share areas of strength and areas for growth as we work together with our families to prepare our students for their future.
We have some exciting news to share this week! We are pleased to announce FSI has 12 student winners and 24 winning artworks in this year’s WNC Regional Scholastic Art Competition! This is an extraordinary honor for these students and a record high level of recognition. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is the nation’s longest running (over 100 years), most prestigious recognition program for creative teens. It is extremely competitive with hundreds of artworks submitted annually across the Western Carolina region from public, private, and homeschooled students. Please congratulate FSI’s winners and art teachers Jennifer Lipsey-Edwards (MS) and Kati Robbins (HS).
Gold and Silver Key winners will have their artwork on display at the Asheville Art Museum along with Honorable mention recipients’ work displayed on a digital rotation. The exhibit is on display from January 24th – March 25th. The date of the virtual awards ceremony is currently TBD but there will be a closing reception of the exhibit on Thursday, March 21st from 5 – 8pm.
Gold Key Winners:
Zachary Rose, 10th grade (shown)
Nadia Kominski 8th Grade (shown)
Silver Key Winners:
Elliot Myus, 12th Grade
Nikko Williams, 11th Grade
Violet Edwards (4), 8th Grade
Meadow Gallardo, 8th Grade
Nadia Kominski, 8th Grade
Adelaide Ward, 8th Grade
Honorable Mentions:
Elliot Myus (2), 12th Grade
Esther Fleming, 11th Grade
Sophia Oliver, 11th Grade
Lu Pollak (2), 11th Grade
NIkko Williams, 11th Grade
Sarah Williams (2), 11th Grade
Zachary Rose, 10th Grade
Meadow Gallardo, 8th Grade
Nadia Kominski, 8th Grade
Charlee Martin, 8th Grade
Mark Your Calendars & Get Your Tickets!
We’re gearing up for our 10th Anniversary Gala & Silent Auction on Saturday, March 2, 6 – 9 pm! We’re looking for items for the Silent Auction. Items for services or goods of all types and sizes are warmly welcomed and all proceeds from the auction support FSI! Donations must be received by 1/31, and pick up is available. Please contact galacrew@thefsi.us to participate or for questions.
Link for tickets: https://auctria.events/Franklinschoolofinnovationgala
Lots of fun events and activities coming up- please read through for information about volunteer opportunities, the Franklin Flurries Middle School Dance, and more! Thank you for choosing Franklin and creating a great school together.
Calendar Events
Tues, Jan 23:
- 4:15 pm: MS (V) Basketball @ Evergreen
Wed, Jan 24:
- 4:30 pm: MS (V) Basketball @ ICI
- 6:00 pm: HS Basketball @ ICI
Thus, Jan 26
- 6:30 pm: Virtual Info Session for Prospective Families
Passcode – 62TNkd
Keep up with all our events!
FSI Yearlong Academic Calendar
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram:
Bolts Athletic News
The weather interrupted our basketball season last week – come out and join us for games this week! Watch for spring sports announcement (including ultimate frisbee) in next week’s newsletter.
Go Bolts!
Parent Crew News & Opportunities
January 23rd– We are going to sell hot chocolate during lunch, we are looking for donations and volunteers to come help out. We will be selling cups of hot chocolate for $2. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D4BA5A922A7FF2-47131662-hotchocolate
Open Enrollment for 2024-25 (including siblings) Is Jan 1 – March 31!
If you plan to enroll a sibling for the coming school year – submit an application online and be sure to let us know it is a sibling enrollment. Current students who will return next year do not need to do anything right now. We will invite everyone to re-enroll later (in February). Applications are online (English/Spanish) or we can help people complete applications in person in the office. If you know a student or family who would benefit from Franklin’s approach to education, please spread the word and encourage them to apply!
Re-enrollment will begin in February – watch for more information.
Franklin Flurries Middle School Dance, Sat, Feb 17
The annual Franklin Flurries middle school dance will be on Saturday, February 17 from 6:30-8:30pm. Cost for tickets is $7 in advance (sold before school the week prior) and $10 at the door. Cash only. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase. Questions? Contact Gretchen Kehrberg, gkehrberg@thefsi.us.
The FSI prom committee is sponsoring the Franklin Flurries middle school dance. We need help with donations and volunteers. Please look at this SignUp Genius and add your name to help with snacks, drinks, decorations, or volunteering. All donations should be delivered to the front office by February 16th and labeled Franklin Flurries.
Volunteer Opportunities: Senior Passage Panelists Needed
Thursday, March 28th between 6-8 PM, all seniors will gather at school to present their final Senior Passage Presentations to panels of community members, fellow students, staff members, and families. It is a lovely, celebratory evening of accomplishments.
We need panelists! Panelists will listen to presentations, ask questions, and assess the work our seniors have completed, with the help of a rubric. Each panelist will hear a few (3-5) presentations. If you are interested in being a panelist for this event, please complete this Google Form.
Calling all skiers and snowboarders!
FSI parents and students are organizing a group to purchase discounted passes and meet once a week at Cataloochee. This is not a formal school-sponsored club – just a group of people from FSI who meet up for outdoor fun, adventure, and community. Participants provide their own transportation and supervision. Fill out this Interest Form or email aydenstewart@thefsi.us today!
Lost & Found: Donated January 30
Lost and found will be donated on January 30. Please encourage your children to start looking through it on Tuesday when we come back. Thank you and have a great three day weekend!
AP Research Studies Project: High School Student Research
Did you know that Franklin offers the AP Capstone Project and Diploma! The Capstone Project includes 2 college-level courses in which students learn how to conduct high-level independent research about topics of interest. One of our AP Research students will be gathering information for their AP Research project. This includes the impact of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee on students. For more information see this document. If you do not wish your student to participate please contact our AP Research advisor, tbarnesdunn@thefsi.us before January 22, 2024.
Student Volunteer Opportunity: TedX Youth
Did you know that our students host Asheville’s only TedXYouth event? TedxYouth is an opportunity for students to truly be leaders in their own learning. We are looking for high school students who are interested in helping with the production at our conference. There are many different positions available for students, including: editing, social media & advertisement, volunteer coordinator and executive directors. In these positions you will receive volunteer hours and a leadership position you can highlight on college applications. The guiding theme for this year’s conference is: “Curiosity: Broadening Our Horizons.” If interested please email mahaylajones@thefsi.us, sarahwilliams@thefsi.us, or lhawkins@thefsi.us.
College Corner: FAFSA Updates
For our seniors and their families: As you may already be aware, the FAFSA, the form used to apply for financial aid for college (including community colleges) has not yet opened for all students. The FAFSA process opened with a “soft launch” at the end of December and the platform seems to be full of glitches. Hence, we are rescheduling our FAFSA completion workshop from January 17th until February 1st. Hopefully, the FAFSA will be accessible by then. Please mark your calendar for 2/1/2024 @ 6:000 if you would like some assistance with the process.
You can read more about the FAFSA launch here.
UNCA also hosts FAFSA Day on Saturday, January 27, 2024 from 9 a.m.-noon in Whitesides Hall. FAFSA Day is a free event where local college campuses provide one-on-one or small group support for completing the 2024-25 FAFSA. Any student, parent, or guardian who wants FAFSA assistance is welcome to attend, including faculty, staff, and current students. Visit the FAFSA Day webpage for more information and to register. Please register by Wednesday, January 24.
Job Opportunities
We are seeking a High School math teacher for advanced level math (PreCalculus and Math 4). This position is open immediately and/or for next school year. For more information, see our website: https://www.franklinschoolofinnovation.org/our-story/careers/
MANNA Packs for Kids
MANNA Packs for Kids is a take-home food program that provides a weekly bag of food to students. Bags will contain items such as proteins, fruits, vegetables, snacks and/or breakfast items.The “MANNA Packs for Kids” program’s mission is to serve those families with children who are experiencing economic difficulty and could use assistance in providing food when school meals are not an option. To join the program, please fill out the Manna Packs google form here.
Buy Your Yearbook Today!
Our Yearbook Class is hard at work designing our school yearbook! Order yours now for the best prices:
Current sale: $50 until Nov. 10
Next Sale: $55 from Nov. 11- Jan. 26th
Final Sale: $60 from Jan. 27-May 26th
And here is the link:
Club Updates
Help Desk One-Act Comedy
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Middle School theatre performance of Help Desk, Friday, March 8 at 6 pm and Saturday, March 9 at 2 pm. The FSI Middle School Theatre Department is rehearsing the one-act comedy, HELP DESK. The rehearsal schedule can be found here. Performances will be in the FSI Community Room on Friday March 8 at 6PM and Saturday March 9 at 2PM. Please contact Ms. Lexa with any questions, elexa@thefsi.us. It’s going to be a hilarious show!
The FSI High School Theatre Department in collaboration with the FSI Music Department is in rehearsal for our first high school musical production! Auditions were in December and rehearsals underway. SAVE THE DATE! Performances will be in Kittredge Theatre at Warren Wilson College on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20 at 7:00 PM. Cast and crew members can access the rehearsal schedule here. Questions? Contact Julie Wharton at jwharton@thefsi.us or Sandi Wilson at swilson@thefsi.us.
Middle School Student Council Updates
The student council is excited about their new blog! Publicity coordinators Matilda Carter and Alex Pilcher helped create the idea to have a space to share the updates. You can check out the blog with all of our news (https://fsimsstudentcouncil.blogspot.com/). If you prefer to see our updates in person, check out our bulletin board in the 5th/6th grade hall! We will be updating both as new information, events, and news come in!
– February 1st is our next meeting. Following the meeting we will be attending the MS basketball game. $3 for entry.
-February 15th we are having a blanket making event to spread kindness. See the flier for more details. RSVP if your student is interested, space is limited! Space will be reserved for student council members first.
Find our list of clubs on our website: https://www.franklinschoolofinnovation.org/student-life/clubs/
Who do I go to when….
Whether you are new or returning to Franklin, we know you will have questions, and we want to help you find the best person to answer them, quickly and efficiently. We hope this little guide will help you navigate! Click here to access the guide: Who do I go to when…
Teaching Teams
Need to contact a teacher? Find them quickly with this link to our Teaching Teams for 2023-2024