Franklin School of Innovation Gala & Auction
Online Auction, Raffles, Heavy Hors D’oeuvres, Cash Bar
Buy your tickets here! Send this link to your friends and family to bid on items from home!
- A Pinnacle Animal Hospital $400 wellness exam for your dog or cat
- A BB Barns container Garden, Reems Creek Nursery certificate & Sow True Seeds
- 2 Photography Sessions from Sheila Mraz Photography & Dorothy Manning Photography
- Certificates for Salons: Adorn Salon, WINK, & Westside Shears (then visit before your Photography Session)
- Asheville City Soccer Club Family Pack of Tickets & Asheville Tourist Tickets
- Hot Sauce from Firewalker & Smoking J’s
- Handmade jewelry including canvas & glass bead earrings AND apatite seed, copper, silver, glass, amazonite and beaded necklaces